Friday, November 29, 2019

Veterinary Shadow Day Essays - Animal Welfare, Dog Breeds, Beagle

Veterinary Shadow Day When I first arrived ?Lisa? The girl that I shadowed told me that there was an emergency with one of the animals. It ended up that a one-year-old beagle ate an entire thing of metabolite, and then slowly started to die. The liver had shut down, and the heart rate was up to 300. Lisa told me that taking a thing of metabolite was like taking 50 cups of coffee at once. The owners of the beagle were there and bowling. The beagle's name was Murry. Murry's body slowly was shutting down one thing after another. The owners made the decision the dog was going to be put to sleep. We got the dog ready to be taken out. They undid all the cords from the dog so they could take it to another room. I said goodbye to the dog, and then they took it into the other room so that the owners could be there when they put him to sleep. After that happened they then had to put a sleep a little hedgehog that had cancer on its mouth. We then did two regular checkups with one cat and with one dog. Those when gre at. After that we had a dog come in and it ended up having an affection that might end up killing it. I never heard the end result. The last thing that I did there was that a black lab had been bitten by another dog, and that dog ripped a hole in the neck of the black lab. The doctors had to perform surgery on the dog to close up the holes in the neck. They first had to clean it out with qutips. And blood stated to come out right then I was a little dizzy and I thought I was going to faint. But thank god I didn't. I saw a cat get dental work on it. And a cat get a bath and they had to blow dry it and brush the hair while it was a sleep. I thought that the work place environment was very clean and very professional. On my pictures on the poster it shows you that they even had a place for dogs to go in and a separate place for cats to go in they also have different waiting rooms for each of them. I could easily be able to work in a place that is that clean, and so organized. I learned multiple things there from chemicals how much they need how much they use math and science, to there organization skills, and there abillity to be able to communicate with the animals and be able to not cry ever time they have to put them to sleep. The things that they do hardly relate to what I'm doing in school right now, because I'm not that smart yet. But in science we are learning about different chemicals together and how they make a reaction. Also I'm learning how to keep everything nice and organized, so I know where everything that I need is. I observed many behaviors that they showed that would be important in a lot of jobs. One of those are there communication skills. To be able to work with many different people under the type of stress that they can be in is hard. That aplies to a lot of jobs because a lot of different jobs make you work under a lot of stress with many different people at the same time. There are countless skills that you take on with you to college or even work. Kindness, cleanness, organization, and most of all people skills with out that you not be able to handle being in a job with other people. Being a veterinarian is something that I have always even since I was a little girl have wanted to be. I have always loved animals expesialy dogs. I love to take care of them to train them, and most of all to make them feel better. This is exactly what a veterinarian does every day. Nothing was really bad about the job shadow. It was a great experience and I had a lot of fun. But one thing is

Monday, November 25, 2019

Civil War, Causes essays

Civil War, Causes essays There was nothing civil about the Civil War. Neighbor fought neighbor and brother fought brother in a painful division between family and friends that mirrored the one between the North and the South. The Civil War started when between the Northern states (the Union) and the Southern states that seceded from the Union and formed the Confederacy. During the 19th century the South remained almost completely agricultural, with an economy and a social order largely founded on slavery and the plantation system. These equally dependent institutions produced the essential, especially cotton, from which the South derived its wealth. The North had its own great agricultural resources, was always more advanced commercially, and was also expanding industrially. Hostility between the two sections grew clearly after 1820, the year of the Missouri Compromise , which was intended as a permanent solution to the issue in which that hostility was most clearly expressed the question of the extension or prohibition of slavery in the federal territories of the West. During the year 1820 through 1821, procedures passed by the U.S. Congress to end the first of a series of crises concerning the extension of slavery. By 1818, Missouri Territory had gained sufficient population to warrant its admission into the Union as a state. Settlers came largely from the South and it was expected that Missouri would be a slave state. To a statehood bill brought before the House of Representatives, James Tallmadge of New York proposed an amendment that would forbid importation of slaves and would bring about the ultimate emancipation of all slaves born in Missouri. This amendment passed the House in February 1819, but not the Senate. The bitterness of the debates sharply emphasized the sectional division of the United States. In January of 1820, a bill to admit Maine as a state passed the House. The admission of Alabama as a slave state in 1819 had...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

HRM315-0703B-06 Managing Human Resources Phase 3 Discussion Board Essay

HRM315-0703B-06 Managing Human Resources Phase 3 Discussion Board - Essay Example enowned psychological theorist from the 20th Century, describes his Hierarchy of Needs, involving five psychological factors which drive employee motivation. Under this theory, once basic physiological needs are met (such as food, water, or simply the existence of a paying career), the employee then requires safety in order to maximize their potential. After meeting needs for safety, belonging is the next tier on the hierarchy, followed by esteem needs, finally reaching self-actualization as the pinnacle of their total capabilities (Morris & Maisto, 2005). Basically, Maslow suggests that motivating employees can be as simple as supplying a secure, well-paying job and giving employees positive feedback regularly when they exceed or meet corporate expectations. This satisfies their psychological needs for security and esteem, allowing them to explore establishing quality peer relationships to reach their fullest potential, thus boosting total productivity. Research has uncovered that equity builds internal motivation within employees, involving perceived fairness regarding their receipt of business rewards equal to their total contribution to the firm (Mathis & Jackson, 2005). If employees feel they are working quite hard for the company, perhaps exceeding expectations, but are not receiving an equitable bonus or compensation reward, they will likely have lowered morale and be non-productive, even angry employees. With this in mind, it is extremely important to the business that managers maintain close monitoring and association with employees who are routinely productive so as to offer fair reward to the employees who deserve it. Many managers, also, tend to forget the importance of non-verbal communication when they are dealing with employees. This is the sending and interpretation of messages with emotional content including facial expressions, eye contact, and tone of voice (Gomez-Mejia, Balkin & Cardy, 2005: 638). Managerial posture often indicates whether the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

How We Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

How We Change - Essay Example We have made this world a global village where it is more than just easy to move from one place to other in a matter of hours and communicate with each other in a blink. But, to gain something, we had to lose something and that something we lost to achieve this marvelous world of today is care for each other. Although we have every means of communication and stay connected, we have lost the will and time to say hello to our loved one. Peter Lovenheim in the article ‘wont you be my neighbor’ and William Deresiewicz in article ‘faux friendships’ most beautifully and with complete facts, describe these losses to mankind throughout its evolution and progression. Lovenheim describes our society of today in a way that it makes us all stop for a moment and think that ‘what and where we did something so wrong that we are at a stage of total societal collapse today. Although we have progressed and evolved a lot to provide us with all the facilities and necessities of life, we have no time to be with each other. We have the means as said by Lovenheim like internet, faster travelling routes and cheaper travelling expenses. We st ill find it so hard to meet each other in person and form a strong societal bonding. William Deresiewicz also explains the loss of mankind by stating that we, the men of 21st century are suffering from ‘facebook syndrome’. He states that because of so much advancement in technology, we are now dependent on it to communicate with each other. The author states by giving the example of friendships that we have forgotten to interact with each other on a more personal level. Friendships of today are limited to facebook and twitter etc. and it is the screen of our computers and smart phones that we are friends with rather than being friends with a real person. Both these articles show how the human species has changed over time. We have no time to be with each other and

Monday, November 18, 2019

Economics of Education Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Economics of Education - Assignment Example In a sequence of items over the past ten years, Hanushek used 38 different pieces of writing and put focus on: pupil/teacher ratio, education and experience of the teacher, teacher’s salary, Per Pupil Expenditure (PPE), administrative inputs and facilities. He reviews the evidence of a large number of studies basing on their views of the relationship between spending and school performance. He conducted vote-count based on aggregating 187 studies in 38 separately published books where in each publication there are several regression equations. He classified the relation between each input variable and an output variable into one of five categories according to the direction of the regression coefficient's sign (positive or negative) and its statistical significance (significant or non-significant). The fifth is coefficients that were non-significant but for which it was impossible to determine the direction of the coefficient's sign from the reported results. His conclusion is that money doesn’t matter as school’s output is concerned (Hanushek 150-164). Hedges et al study This study is a reanalysis of the evidence examined by Hanushek. These researchers found that a â€Å"systematic positive patterns in the relationships between educational resource inputs and student outcomes† exists. ... This study declared that the pattern of results given in Hanushek’s vote count is not consistent with the null hypothesis of no effect in every study and thus making a type II error in his statistical analysis due to the low power associated with vote counting. Hedges et al used more sophisticated procedures to aggregate the information in the different studies and corrects some problems that were found in Hanushek’s methodology where they came up with a conclusion which clearly states that â€Å"Money does matter after all†. This directly differs with Hanushek’s conclusion. These two studies attempted to highlight the relationship between inputs and outputs of schools with an essence of improving American educational system. However, all of these researches there was no consensus established as to which course should be followed or even on the need for additional expenditures to produce the desired improvements, instead, some scholars have questioned whet her there is a relation between the amount of resources and level of accomplishment of students in schools. Hanushek used vote counting analytic method. For a given resource input, the "result" of each study is the estimated partial regression coefficient of the resource input to student output, holding constant the family background and other inputs. The vote-counting methodology tabulates these results according to the sign (positive, negative, or unknown) and the statistical significance (significant or non-significant, usually at ?= .05 level) of the results. The category with the most results (the most "votes") is generally taken to represent the true state of the relation in

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Why Is Assessment Carried Out Nursing Essay

Why Is Assessment Carried Out Nursing Essay Although some questions may appear similar, there are subtle differences that need to be considered if you are sign-posting one answer to another. Criteria Number Assessment Criteria 1.1 Explain the functions of assessment: Why is assessment carried out? What is the purpose of assessment? What does assessment measure? What are the anticipated outcomes of assessment? Assessment is carried out as a way of compiling information about an individual or group to ascertain development needs. It is an integral part of both learning and teaching/coaching and allows the assessor to identify strengths, weaknesses and gaps in learning, enabling them to plan for the next steps in their learning by providing feedback to the individual and agreeing targets. Assessment may be used for 3 main reasons Pre-Assessment To categorize or identify the development stage at which an individual or group is currently performing at. This will provide a benchmark relative to a predetermined criteria and/or standard. Formative Assessment Once a baseline measure has been ascertained, an intervention can then be planned for. This allows the assessor to highlight specific areas of the assessment and target the intervention towards the needs of the individual or group. Using this approach enables the assessor to establish clear programme objectives. Summative Assessment Evaluating is just as important as the assessment itself. It is a process that can determine the growth and progress of the individual or group. This is why it is important to assess before and after the implementation of any programme as the effectiveness of the programme can be measured according to the difference between the two assessments. Continuous or formative assessment, is required not only of the individual and/or group but also of the product of learning, and then compared to the criteria and/or standards set out by the awarding body, (if applicable). This allows for assessment to be integrated into the teaching and learning process and links closely to what we assess, when we assess and why we assess. Assessment is not the be all and end all of teaching, but rather a process that maps a students progress and achievements during a specified timescale. Using the feedback given to them from assessment, the student will have an understanding of their target/s and be able to discuss with the assessor where they currently stand in relation to this target. From here, the student should have a better understanding of how they can achieve the desired outcome.. 1.2 Define these key concepts and principles of assessment: Fair Reliable Valid Safe and manageable Suitable to the candidate needs Fair Fairness in assessment ensures that the individual is given equal opportunities to be successful in reaching their objective. Reliable Reliability in assessment is essential. This would mean for example that if we repeated an assessment on a student, or they were observed by another assessor, then the results should be consistent across the board. Valid Assessment needs to be valid. What this means is that it assesses what it is supposed to assess. An example of this would be if I were to assess a student on their ability to coach a sports session. I could get the candidate to write up on how to coach a session, however, this would not allow me to assess whether or not they could physically coach a session and as such the method would prove to be invalid. A correct method would be to actually watch them coach a session Safe and Manageable Planning in depth and complicated assessments could have a negative effect as they can become completely unmanageable. When putting a plan together, the time management of the individual and/or group, as well as the assessors, should be taken into consideration and not become a burden. Suitable to the candidate needs Assessment should always take into consideration the needs of the individual and /or group. The criteria of most programmes can be assessed in a variety of ways which enables the assessor to steer the individual and/or group to the desired outcome by utilising different methods based on the candidates personal circumstances. 1.3 Explain the responsibilities of the assessor with regard to: Planning Assessing Constructive feedback It is up to the assessor to organise any assessment programme that the individual/ group will embark on. Both the candidate and the assessor will need to agree on the most suitable source of evidence to use for the particular unit/s and agree upon an achievable target date, along with times and places for the assessment to take place. It may also be necessary for the assessor to contact any staff, management, company or organisation to relay their intentions of assessment, as some places of work can have very strict guidelines in place, for example- the prison service, and authorisation would need to be sought. The assessor needs to ensure that the planning is holistic with the aim of looking at the overall picture. The range of assessment methods and strategies to be used should first be checked with the awarding body. This will clarify if the chosen method is suitable as evidence. Any prior learning would also have to be taken into account during the planning process. The assessor would need to seek out this information at the beginning to reduce ant duplication. Both formative and summative assessments and be used to assess the performance, knowledge and understanding of the individual, who will need to provide evidence of assessment criteria for the assessor to check over. It is the assessor responsibility to ensure they have an up to date copy of the criteria to which they intend to assess. Based on this they can then provide feedback to the individual on how to achieve the required result if the requirements have not been met. However, the assessor has a responsibility to the candidate to ensure that the correct assessment methods are being used for the task at hand All resulting decisions will then need to be recorded and justified. When providing feedback, the assessor should ensure they identify and reinforce any strengths witnessed from the evidence. Praise on achieving aspects of the criteria is essential for further progress to occur. At this point, it is important to remember to focus on the activity/ task and not the person. The assessor needs to be objective, and not allow the feedback to get personal. It is deemed as poor practice to begin labelling the candidate as lazy or uninterested for example. The assessor needs to steer the conversation towards what was actually seen, heard, or read. On discussing areas for improvement whereby the individual has fallen short of the desired result, the assessor and the individual would need to define and agree on the arising issues and work together to construct a solution, setting out new aims and objectives and ways of how these can, and will be achieved. It is imperative that any feedback be given as close to the activity as possible. This will allow for a more accurate account of the assessment. 1.4 Identify the company and industry rules and regulations relevant to assessment in your own area of practice? The College and the Awarding Bodies used within the department strive to ensure that there are no unnecessary barriers when it comes to assessing sports students. The requirements and assessment methods in place for students offer a flexibility to enable a wide range of individuals to be able to demonstrate the level of competence required to meet the standards in a fair and reliably way. To ensure this is carried out correctly, the college is required to provide an Internal Verification Policy and Assessment Plan, that highlights the objectives, strategies and procedures that show that the department is approaching assessment in the correct manner, which is in line with both college and national requirements. This allows the IV to check that assessment is being carried out and is consistent across the board. Any internal verification done within the department must be completed by someone not teaching on the course being run. All assessors, internal and external verifiers must be of a standard set out by the NGB/Awarding Bodies for which they need to monitor any changes and implement these accordingly. Any work that has been assessed by an unqualified assessor would need to be counter signed by a qualified assessor. This is to ensure that the evidence, methods and processes that have been used have been checked and authenticated. 2.1 Compare the strengths and limitations of a range of assessment methods with regard to your individual learners? 3.1 Identify the key factors to consider when planning assessment? Consider: Readiness of the Learner Time constraints Workplace requirements Location 3.2 Evaluate the benefits of a holistic approach to assessment? Consider: The opportunities for observation 3.3 Explain how to plan a holistic approach to assessment 3.4 Summarise the types of risks that may be involved in assessment in your own area of responsibility. Consider both HS risks and business risks. 3.5 Explain how to minimise risks through the planning process. Consider: Correct Legislation Policies and Procedures 4.1 Explain the importance of involving the learner and others in the assessment process? Consider: Motivation Range of experience and understanding How to involve expert witnesses 4.2 Summarise the types of information that should be made available to learners and others involved in the assessment process e.g.: Documentation Policies Procedures Skills analysis outcomes Others 4.3 Explain how peer and self-assessment can be used effectively to promote learner involvement and personal responsibility in the assessment of learning? Consider: Development of analytical skills Understanding of specifications Self reflection of own performance 4.4 Explain how assessment arrangements can be adapted to meet the needs of individual learners e.g. Time consideration, work/shift patterns etc. Confidentiality issues Consideration of learning styles Variation of assessment methods 5.1 Explain how to judge whether evidence is: Sufficient Are the requirements met and how do you know? Authentic Is it the learners own work and how do you know? Current Have the working practices around that activity changed since the evidence was produced? 5.2 Explain how to ensure that assessment decisions are: Made against specified criteria Refer to your standards Valid Accurately measured using a method that suits the situation Reliable Ensuring the same results regardless of who is assessing Fair That equality diversity and individual needs have been considered 6.1 Evaluate the importance of quality assurance in the assessment process? 6.2 Summarise the quality assurance and standardisation procedures in your own area of practice including: Internal procedures QCF and awarding institute guidelines 6.3 Summarise the procedures to follow when there are disputes concerning assessment in your own area of practice: Internal and external procedures, including appeals 7.1 Explain the importance of following procedures for the management of information relating to assessment. Give consideration to: The NVQ code of practice 2006 Regulatory arrangements for the QCF 2008 Company policies and procedures Awarding institutes policies and procedures 7.2 Explain how feedback and questioning contribute to the assessment process? 8.1 Explain legal issues, policies and procedures relevant to assessment, including those for confidentiality, health, safety and welfare. Give consideration to: Data protection Child protection Safeguarding Health and safety 8.2 Explain the contribution that technology can make to the assessment process? 8.3 Evaluate the requirements for equality and diversity and where appropriate bilingualism in relation to assessment? 8.4 Explain the value of reflective practice and continuing professional development in the assessment process?

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

the swing :: essays research papers

The Swing by Pierre Renoir   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The impressionist movement started when Claude Monet and other artists held an exhibition in Paris in 1874. People like Edgar Degas, Claude Monet, Pierre Renoir, Camille Pissaro created their most important work between 1870 to around 1910. The critics gave the exhibition the worst reviews possible. â€Å"The critics considered Impressionist paintings an insult to viewers because they were expected to accept apparently unfinished art as a ‘real’ painting.† The name was taken from Monet’s Impression, Sunrise. â€Å"The artists took the name after a critic used it mockingly to describe all the exhibited works.† The critics said that the paintings were â€Å"evidence of sloppy workmanship† (world book).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Swing by Pierre Renoir shows many of the characteristics of a painting made during the impressionist movement. During the impressionist period the painters didn’t care to show emotion on the characters depicted in the painting. The impressionist also tried to capture a moment in time by painting something they saw at a glance rather than think about what they knew or what they felt about the situation. For example this painting captures a moment in time by showing a woman, standing on the swing, a baby, looking up at a man, and two men, who is having a conversation with the lady against an outdoor background. The impressionist liked to work outdoors in natural light and paint rapidly rather than in a studio trying to develop what they paint. They were influenced by the scientific study of color and light at that time. This painting shows how light reflects on the people standing partly in the shade and partly in the sunlight.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Black people Essay

THE SOCIAL CONSTRUCTION OF RACE/ETHNICITY IN THE FILM GLORY ROAD Race and Ethnicity have been socially constructed to pertain to certain qualities and attributes that have been generalized to the entire race or ethnic group. A few such constructions may include a belief that Asian people are smart yet physically small, Africans are physically blessed while not as mentally gifted and that white people are somewhere between the two. It is also socially constructed that Muslims are angrier people and that Hindus are strictly cultural. These attributes based on ethnicity and race have been falsely constructed by the society due to roles adopted or forced upon by these various social groups based on historic events. I have chosen to depict the race and ethnic construction in a 20th century American society through the movie Glory Road. Glory Road is a movie based on a true story that revolves around the difficulties and hardships faced by the basketball team of the Texas Western University. The movie shows how the team was a victim of an extremely harsh form of racism. It follows the story of a coach named Don Haskins who is responsible for recruiting a team of African-American players in addition to the existing ‘white’ players to play for the University team. In this movie, it has been clearly shown that African-American students, or ‘negro’ students as they are referred to in the movie are looked down upon by the society consisting of a majority of ‘white’ people. The white people believe themselves to be superior to the blacks and thereby treat them with extreme hostility. This was a continuation of the racial inequality that stemmed from the system of slavery in America. As the team of ‘negro’ players begins to gain popularity, the dissent in the dominantly white society escalates rapidly. Hostile crowds receive the team as they travel across the country playing basketball. These crowds throw things at them, vandalize their motel rooms with blood smeared walls and even go to the extent of brutally hurting one of the ‘negros’ when he goes to a restroom. It can be understood, that the negro player has been socially constructed to be inferior simply due to their ethnicity. They are believed to be less intelligent and are even compared to monkeys by a rival coach in the movie. However, due to the recent success of this dominantly black team, the whites begin to feel inferior to them and thereby retaliate physically through violence. The plot of the movie is created due to a break in the conventional social construction that the basketball team of a University is comprised of white students. White students who were trained by a white coach and studied in a University filled with white students. This was the norm that was being challenged by the coach Don Haskins who simply wanted to give these ‘negro’ students an opportunity to receive an education. Racial inequality in the education system is depicted in the movie through scenes that emphasize a majority of college students being white and the surprise on their faces when they see a black student in their school. Forms of personal racism are also shown in the movie such as stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination. Members of the board for Texas Western even exhibited quiet racism. They did not outwardly show their discontent for coach Haskins’ movement but they did feel uneasy about it. However, their uneasy feelings began to change when they heard of the team’s success, which leads us to believe that they were racist only for as long a time period as there was no direct benefit to them as individuals. The competing social construction would be one in which there was no differentiation based on the race/ethnicity of the players belonging to the team. It would be a construction where the blacks were not suppressed and thought to be inferior to whites. I believe that an example of a competing social construction would probably be the construction of our society today, where students are not discriminated based on their ethnicity but are encouraged to participate and selected based on their individual skills and talents. The potrayals in the movie directly correspond to the norms of our present day where people believe African Americans to be more athletically inclined but less intelligent than white people. This norm is harmful and beneficial to both parties. It means that a black person is more like to be hired for an athletic position but less likely for a working job and the exact opposite for a white person. Studies in the present day have indicated that a black person is only 33% as likely as a white person to get a job even if they both apply with identical credentials. It has been shown that the unemployment of black people is twice as high as that of white people (Newman, 166). The times are rapidly changing. Movies such as glory road bring to light the inhumanity that has been dominant in societies of the past that lead to discomfort and a hostile environment. People are more aware of things such as an abolition of discrimination and a promotion of equality as they aim towards times of peace. History was made in 2008, when a man of black origin was made President of the same country in which blacks were hated just a few decades ago. The name of this man was President Barack Obama. It represented a transition to a time with more equality and less racial discrimination. These are direct results of the efforts of movies such as glory road and also the efforts of various activists through the generations. Even though race and ethnicity were socially constructed, the norms are beginning to change in our modern world where every person is given an equal opportunity to achieve the goals they dream of.

Friday, November 8, 2019

What is sickle cell anemia.

What is sickle cell anemia. A mother of in central Africa has had no health problems her entire life. She has four beautiful children in her lifetime. Her first child of eight years old catches malaria; he sweats in his sleep every night, experiences the chills, is plagued with the fever, and has periodic attacks. To make matters even worse he has developed the condition known as splenomegaly which causes an enlargement of the spine that cripples him to his end when he dies of anemia. The second child, a daughter, is born with the genetic condition known as sickle cell anemia. Throughout this child's life she experiences ulcers up and down her legs, many fevers, and attacks that seem to be the unbearable pain a human can withstand without passing out. She will never be around long enough for her seventeenth birthday. Her last two children live long and healthy lives. Over time Mother Nature has found a side door around malaria, but she has unleashed death with his sickle, causing people's red blood cells not to function properly in carrying oxygen, causing terrible side effects and death.English: Description Malaria versus sickle-cell tr...For a long time little was known of blood diseases. People in central Africa were experiencing pain and dieing from an unknown killer. In 1956, Dr. Vernon Ingram and Dr. Paulings tested the blood of patients in central Africa. Surprisingly there were key differences between the hemoglobin of the some patients (Silverstein 17). "Hemoglobin is made up of chains of amino acids, like proteins; these chains are folded and looped in a complicated structure"(Johnson 325). In order to break up the bonds of hemoglobin and change it into mixture of shorter amino acids, Dr. Ingram used enzymes and other chemicals. By organizing these fragments of sections, it is possible to work out a map to the...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on The Unternet

The Internet has revolutionized the computer and communications world like nothing before. The invention of the telegraph, telephone, radio, and computer set the stage for this unprecedented integration of capabilities. The Internet is at once a world-wide broadcasting capability, a mechanism for information dissemination, and a medium for collaboration and interaction between individuals and their computers without regard for geographic location. The Internet represents one of the most successful examples of the benefits of sustained investment and commitment to research and development of information infrastructure. Beginning with the early research in packet switching, the government, industry and academia have been partners in evolving and deploying this exciting new technology. Today, terms like "" and "" trip lightly off the tongue of the random person on the street. 1 This is intended to be a brief, necessarily cursory and incomplete history. Much material currently exists about the Internet, covering history, technology, and usage. A trip to almost any bookstore will find shelves of material written about the Internet. 2 In this paper, 3 several of us involved in the development and evolution of the Internet share our views of its origins and history. This history revolves around four distinct aspects. There is the technological evolution that began with early research on packet switching and the ARPANET (and related technologies), and where current research continues to expand the horizons of the infrastructure along several dimensions, such as scale, performance, and higher level functionality. There is the operations and management aspect of a global and complex operational infrastructure. There is the social aspect, which resulted in a broad community of Internauts working together to create and evolve the technology. And there is the commercialization aspect, resulting in an ex... Free Essays on The Unternet Free Essays on The Unternet The Internet has revolutionized the computer and communications world like nothing before. The invention of the telegraph, telephone, radio, and computer set the stage for this unprecedented integration of capabilities. The Internet is at once a world-wide broadcasting capability, a mechanism for information dissemination, and a medium for collaboration and interaction between individuals and their computers without regard for geographic location. The Internet represents one of the most successful examples of the benefits of sustained investment and commitment to research and development of information infrastructure. Beginning with the early research in packet switching, the government, industry and academia have been partners in evolving and deploying this exciting new technology. Today, terms like "" and "" trip lightly off the tongue of the random person on the street. 1 This is intended to be a brief, necessarily cursory and incomplete history. Much material currently exists about the Internet, covering history, technology, and usage. A trip to almost any bookstore will find shelves of material written about the Internet. 2 In this paper, 3 several of us involved in the development and evolution of the Internet share our views of its origins and history. This history revolves around four distinct aspects. There is the technological evolution that began with early research on packet switching and the ARPANET (and related technologies), and where current research continues to expand the horizons of the infrastructure along several dimensions, such as scale, performance, and higher level functionality. There is the operations and management aspect of a global and complex operational infrastructure. There is the social aspect, which resulted in a broad community of Internauts working together to create and evolve the technology. And there is the commercialization aspect, resulting in an ex...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Bipolar disorder type 1 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Bipolar disorder type 1 - Research Paper Example Treatment is demanding with stakeholders having to deal with the commitments and outcomes that come with treatment and post-treatment procedures. Society has to address the needs of such patients hence need for efficient nursing and health care. With proper medical attention, patients can turn their lives around and become productive in the society. The disorder can be addressed with timely diagnosis and efficient treatment procedures. Health facilities have a key role to play in nursing and care of the affected patients regardless of age. Bipolar is a disorder that is characterized by episodic manic and depressive moods that have extremes in polarity, and may impair the patient resulting in the inability to function in daily life activities. The patient portrays inflated self-esteem, has a tendency to be overly talkative, and has reduced desire to sleep or rest. The patient tends to have new ideas. He engages more in goal and objective oriented activities, and his focus is easily distracted from a given issue. Moreover, patients also portray a daring attitude in engaging in risky activities (Bengesser, 2013). The patient at time is disrupted as the symptoms are severe enough to hamper his ability to engage in constructive activities and engage socially with others. The patient tends to be unrealistic and illogical, and the situation can escalate making him psychotic (Goodwin, 2010). A patient with Bipolar I disorder could experience a minimum of one â€Å"mixed† incident at a given time. As such, the patient g oes through phases of ups and downs (Bengesser, 2013). The patient at one moment is excited, has remarkable self-esteem, but then the situation reverses to a low mood hence the term mixed episode. The patient has no stable mood sequence and the reactions to everyday social situations are varied. The mood swing disrupts him/her and performs poorly in constructive activities (Goodwin, 2010). This would have some implication on

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Lawful Discrimination Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Lawful Discrimination - Essay Example Having a mind of one's own is a selfish act which could result to discrimination, even lawlessness and chaos. As what a national government implements laws to a country, a state should all the more impose and adhere to the laws put forward by the national government since the general welfare has to be taken care of. A state should not create its own set of rules that strays away from the established law. Neither is she allowed to break it in favor of personal gains. Thoreau noticed this as he mentioned the governor in his speech, of whom the state recognizes as her center of authority. The governor is responsible that the laws of the land are being enforced but according to Thoreau, he is the exact opposite since he is permissive enough to let the laws of the state "go unexecuted." A law clearly doesn't exclude anyone. It applies to all, no matter what race a human being belongs to or whatever the skin color he has as long as he is a recognized citizen of the land. With respect to the established law, judicial decisions, too, should be based from a recognized set of rules and should be strictly observed. The freedom and liberty of a person, whether a human being that is being tried is either free or a slave, depends upon the judge's decisions. In Thoreau's speech, an act known as the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 states that "any official who doesn't arrest a suspected runaway slave could be fined $1,000." This brings pressure to any officer to act or else risk being fined. After capturing, the slave is tried and then returned to his or her rightful owner. How many times have officials captured a suspected runaway slave or remained indifferent to others but ended up capturing or letting go of the wrong person Anthony Burns experienced being tried in the courts of human beings. This act also has its tendencies to make a slave out of a free soul. An example of this is Thomas Sims. Even then, there are already resentments against this law as what was expressed by Thoreau. And then, there are those who are against racial discrimination. Plessy is recognized as a legitimate citizen of the United States and is entitled to equal rights and privileges being enjoyed by a white American. Yet, despite paying for first class train ticket, he was not only forcibly ejected out of an East Louisiana Railway train but also ended up being imprisoned in a parish jail in New Orleans. Just because sitting in an area reserved for whites even though he has every right to do so, he suffered this predicament. The reason that he was different from the whites made his situation even worse. Clearly, racial discrimination even after the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States was ratified. A law can neither be of use to the general public if an institution doesn't at all observe it. By modern standards, the East Louisiana Railway did not recognize the ratified Fourteenth amendment because of the Plessy case. The constitution forbids "making or enforcing any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States, or shall deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, or deny to any person within their jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." However, equality isn't observed since a railway companies such as the East Louisiana had been instructed either to provide additional coaches or